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Listen as I interview Dr. Ann Cavoukian. She is the Executive Director of the Privacy and Big Data Institute at Ryerson University. Dr. Ann Cavoukian was the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario from 1997 to 2014. She is recognized as one of the world’s leading privacy experts. She is presently the Executive Director of the Privacy and Big Data Institute at Ryerson University. Appointed as the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada in 1997, Dr. Cavoukian served an unprecedented three terms as Commissioner. There she created Privacy by Design (PbD), a framework that seeks to proactively embed privacy into the design specifications of information technologies, networked infrastructure and business practices, thereby achieving the strongest protection possible. Since then, Privacy by Design has been translated into 38 languages.
Dr. Cavoukian is ranked among the top 25 Women of Influence, recognizing her contribution to the Canadian and global economy. She was also named one of the top 100 City Innovators Worldwide by UBM Future Cities for her passionate advocacy of Privacy by Design. In addition, she was chosen as one of the ‘Power 50’ by Canadian Business magazine for her tireless efforts as a privacy champion.
In addition, Dr. Cavoukian, was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Guelph. She was selected for Maclean’s Magazine’s ‘Power List’ of the top 50 Canadians, and most recently, she was picked as one of the top 10 women in data security, compliance, and privacy you should follow on Twitter. Listen as Dr. Cavoukian discusses the significance and impact of Privacy by Design.
More information about Dr. Cavoukian can be found at the following link: http://www.ryerson.ca/pbdi/about/people/cavoukian.html
Information about Privacy by Design can be found by visiting: http://www.ryerson.ca/pbdi/privacy-by-design.html
More information on the Privacy by Design Certification program may be found by visiting: http://www.ryerson.ca/pbdi/certification.html
Interview with Dr. Ann Cavoukian
Talk to a Diplomat