Jake Rooke Security, Trade and the Economy

Navigating BRICS Expansion with an Eye to China and Russia: A Strategic Perspective

BRICS, the hitherto five-state grouping of emerging countries that, until now, included Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, expanded in early 2024. This enlargement doubled BRICS’ membership to include authoritarian members Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), but with Argentina desisting from joining after the election of President Milei. This is the first BRICS Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

China’s Ascendance: Its History and Hazards – Part 1: China’s Rising Influence

In recent decades, China has established itself as a nation with global interests and the ability to fundamentally affect world order. In the past, the international community was more passive about China’s ascent. However, now that the West is becoming more aware of China’s growing power, the question naturally arises: Is China a threat? Some commentators claim that China’s Read More…

Brad Stollery Megan Robinson Nilum Panesar Philip Rafalko Ross Linden-Fraser Security, Trade and the Economy

A Shifting Global Economy, Part 1: What’s Driving Change?

This podcast is Part 1 in a series of discussions with researchers in International Business and Economics on changes in the global economy driven by political, social and technological trends. The researchers share what they think are the most important things to look at in the coming years.