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Canadian Armed Forces Christopher Maternowski

Tried But Not Always True? Vaccine Hesitancy within the Canadian Armed Forces

In the Canadian military, vaccines have played a crucial and at times controversial role for decades. This article explores some of the benefits and issues that have surrounded the military’s vaccination efforts in the past and present.

Hailey Clarke Society, Culture, and Security

A Brief History of LGBTQI2S+ Rights in Canada

In celebration and remembrance of this past pride month, this infographic timelines key historical events in, and rights gained by, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQI2S+) community in Canada and its implications for NATO. In recent decades, significant progress has been made to ensure that the LGBTQI2S+ community has the same democratic rights to equal opportunity, such as the right to serve in the military and the legalization of gay marriage. While tremendous strides have been made, there is more work to be done to eliminate injustices and discrimination towards LGBTQI2S+ community in Canada and around the world.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Special Report: NATO’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Needs Japan

In this special report, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine explores how NATO-Japanese relations are key for upholding a rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific. In particular, Andrew identifies how Japan, back with NATO’s diplomatic experience, can bring together Indo-Pacific nations that do not desire a bipolar order dominated by Sino-US great power competition.

Justin Dell Society, Culture, and Security

Special Report: What Is to Be Done?

In this special report, NAOC Senior Editor Justin Dell argues that the Allied withdrawal from Afghanistan does not just constitute another military defeat for the West, but portends an existential crisis for Western civilization. If the leaders of the states that comprise NATO want to preserve the global order they inherited after 1945, and again after 1991, they need to get serious about their self-narrative in the 21st century.

Europe Mathias Avezou NATO and Canada NATO Field School Series NATO Operations Western Europe

Looking towards a European Army: A once impossible idea becomes a growing necessity

Why and how should the EU take back control of its own defence? In this article, Mathias Avezou explains why European security can no longer depend on the US, and what the first steps towards an EU army could look like.

Canadian Armed Forces Christopher Maternowski NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Language Lessons: Fate of Afghan Interpreters Exposes Gaps in Canadian Armed Forces Training and Recruitment

During operations in Afghanistan, mustering enough qualified linguists proved a constant challenge for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). These difficulties point to larger problems with how the CAF—and Canada—approach strategic languages.