Tyler Olinski examines the current tensions in the South China Sea and assesses the possible future role of Canada and NATO in Southeast Asian security affairs.
Author: Tyler Olinski
Tyler Olinski holds an MSc with Distinction in International Relations from the University of Bristol and a B.A. (Hons.) Specialization in Political Science from King’s University College at Western University. He completed a full-time internship at the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) in Laxenburg, Austria, and was engaged as in a Contributor with the NATO Association of Canada. He is a regular contributor to the International Crime Division of Wikistrat, a geopolitical strategic consultancy. Tyler’s research interests cover a diverse set of topics including: Foreign Policy Analysis; Soft Power and Public Diplomacy; Anti-Corruption and Risk Assessment; and Regionalized Institutionalization.
Road to Riches or Ruin: Democratization and the Future of Myanmar
Tyler Olinski explores the risks and opportunities facing the Burmese people as their country pursues policies of democratization and an entry into the free market system.