Cyber Security and Emerging Threats de-radicalization

The Road to Radicalization: An Interview with Former Undercover Operative Mubin Shaikh

In this interview with Julia Schaumer, Mubin Shaikh reflects on the various events in his life which led him to go from a path of radicalization onto one of complete transition to de-radicalization.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Nasser Haidar Society, Culture, and Security Women in Security

The Case Of The Returning Jihadi: A Talk by Rukmini Callimachi, Janice Stein and Amarnath Amarsingam

Ideology A peculiar thing about those that choose a life of extremism, is that despite all their flair for violence, they are extraordinarily ordinary. They are people, just like us, and they have a deeply articulated cause that they think is worthy of death. Amarnath Amarsingam wonders why we’re asking the wrong questions when it Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Edward Tat Iraq ISIS Islamic State Kurds Kurds

Interview with Ian Bradbury: Daesh’s collapse, the Kurds, and Iraq today

Edward Tat interviews Ian Bradbury, founder of the 1st New Allied Expeditionary Force, on the deteriorating situation in post-Daesh Iraq and the subsequent need for peace-building and deradicalization efforts.