Busra H. Karasu

_1260021_X-minBusra completed her BA at McGill University in Political Science and Sociology with a focus on comparative politics. During her undergraduate studies, she served as an intern at a Brussels-based law firm and as EU Affairs Intern in Istanbul, which deepened her interest in European law and affairs. Before joining the NAOC team, she spent nearly 6 months at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Ottawa. Busra is trilingual and her research interests include international law, political sociology and psychology, Turkish foreign policy and EU-Turkey relations. Busra can be reached by e-mail (busrakarasu@gmail.com) or Linkedin (https://ca.linkedin.com/in/busrakarasu).


  • Ian Goertz

    Ian Goertz is currently a Research Analyst for Canada’s NATO at the NATO Association of Canada. Ian recently completed his M.A. in Intelligence and Strategic Studies at Aberystwyth University in Wales. Prior to this, he completed his B.A. in Political Science at McMaster University. Ian wrote his dissertation on the role of technological innovation and the intelligence community. His research interests are intelligence and strategic studies, emerging security, international relations of technology and the Internet. He was also a semi-finalist at the Inaugural Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge in Europe, held by the Atlantic Council in Geneva, Switzerland. Ian’s other interests include sports, comic books, video games and science fiction.

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