Benjamin Dooley

Benjamin Dooley is a Toronto-based freelance journalist, who has worked in London, Amsterdam, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, the West Bank, and China. Topics covered have included the role of women in Egypt’s revolution, the occupy London demonstrations and the economic opportunities for women in rural China. His pieces have been featured on the NATO Association of Canada, CNN iReport and the spring 2013 issue of McClung’s Magazine.


  • Benjamin Dooley

    Benjamin Dooley is a Toronto-based freelance journalist, who has worked in London, Amsterdam, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, the West Bank, and China. Topics covered have included the role of women in Egypt’s revolution, the occupy London demonstrations and the economic opportunities for women in rural China. His pieces have been featured on the Atlantic Council of Canada, CNN iReport and the spring 2013 issue of McClung’s Magazine.

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