Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

The Importance of Cyber Security Vigilance: The  Experience of Ukraine  

The Russian invasion of Ukraine passed its one-year anniversary on February 24th this year, without a clear end to the war in sight. Russia has gained and lost territory, while Ukraine holds Kyiv and is stubbournly defending Bakhmut with the aid of foreign arms and funding. This situation is reminiscent of the conventional wars of the Read More…

Energy Security

A Trans-Balkan Pipeline Is the Next Project for EU’s Accelerated Energy Cooperation with Azerbaijan

Other than Norway, Azerbaijan is amongst the most plausible sources for increased European imports of natural gas in the near future. Therefore, it is little surprise that on April 25, its President Ilham Aliyev attended the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijani Republic (SOCAR) with the Read More…

Energy Security

New European Energy Demand Confirms Azerbaijan’s Reliability

Azerbaijan is emerging as a crucial player in Europe’s energy-diversification strategy, as the European Union (EU) addresses its self-inflicted energy deficit that arose from its overreliance on wind and solar power and its failure to promote oil and gas development. The EU’s policy shift away from Russian oil and gas has led to the formation Read More…