Ban on Cluster Bombs NATO’s Interests in Turkmenistan Security Belt Around Afghanistan Proposed Recommended Reading In Focus Newsletter #10 – June 6, 2008 Author NATO Association of Canada The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) strives to educate and engage Canadians about NATO and its goals of peace, prosperity and security. The NAOC ensures Canada has Read More…
NATO exercises in Croatia NATO must secure southern Afghanistan European Nations to Share Arms Testing Facilities France considers rejoining NATO’s military command Kosovo Update North Korea Nuclear Talks Canadian observers mission in Ukraine Article: Afghanistan: Six Years of War In Focus Newsletter #3 – September 25–October 8, 2007 Author NATO Association of Canada The NATO Read More…
New Directors NCC Staffing NCC Office Youth Placement Highlight: First Annual Golf Tournament a Success! NCC Roundtables with Col. Dr. John K. Marteinson, Prof. Peter Trummer, Lieutenant-Commander Albert Wong, Major-General J. Ivan Fenton Research: Canada-U.S. Bi-National Planning Group (BPG) Norad Spring Conference Newsletter – Fall 2006 Author NATO Association of Canada The NATO Association of Read More…