Locating Terrorism and the War on Terror in the international legal and diplomatic discourse.
Author: Joshua Samac
Joshua achieved his Masters in International Relations from the University of Windsor. He has written extensively on modern political theory and his areas of expertise include international law and Canadian foreign policy. Joshua is the editor of the Emerging Security Program at the Atlantic Council. In September 2013, he plans to attend law school to earn his JD.
Pre and Post 9/11 et parler en français
Today, September 11, 2012, many billions of people of different race and religions will all be reminded, in one way or another, of what happened eleven years ago to the day. On a morning in September of 2001, humanity was united in its feeling of shock and awe, and eventually anger, as we watched two Read More…
Syria: To Fly or not to Fly?
Were an intervention to occur, the most likely of all scenarios would be a no-fly zone air campaign.