Ethan Persyko

Ethan Persyko is an actor, director, dramaturg, and theatre and film reviewer, born and raised in Vaughan, Ontario. Academically, they are pursuing an undergraduate degree in Drama, Law, and Equity Studies, at the University of Toronto, Victoria College. Outside of their studies, Ethan has worked independently as a director for prominent Toronto theatres such as Tarragon Theatre, and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, as well as a dramaturg for smaller, non-profit American theatres. Through outreach with globally-recognized arts organizations, their professional interests are to explore the role of entertainment in fostering greater conversation around issues such as mental health, LGBTQ+ rights, and identity politics. They are also interested in practices such as yoga, and meditation, as forms of therapy and community healing.


  • Ethan Persyko

    Ethan Persyko is an actor, director, dramaturg, and theatre and film reviewer, born and raised in Vaughan, Ontario. Academically, they are pursuing an undergraduate degree in Drama, Law, and Equity Studies, at the University of Toronto, Victoria College. Outside of their studies, Ethan has worked independently as a director for prominent Toronto theatres such as Tarragon Theatre, and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, as well as a dramaturg for smaller, non-profit American theatres. Through outreach with globally-recognized arts organizations, their professional interests are to explore the role of entertainment in fostering greater conversation around issues such as mental health, LGBTQ+ rights, and identity politics. They are also interested in practices such as yoga, and meditation, as forms of therapy and community healing.

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