In Focus Digest

In an era of unprecedented interconnectedness, information plays a critical role in our ability to understand and analyze important events. In support of this consciousness, the NATO Council of Canada launched the In Focus News Digest in August 2007.

Unlike our regular newsletter which highlights NCC’s activities and provides updates on corporate news, the In Focus is a periodic newsletter that brings to your attention events taking place different parts of the world, each time bringing to the spotlight a particular region or issues we believe to be of interest to the Canadian public. The In Focus provides objective analyses of current events in the Middle East, Africa and throughout the Euro-Atlantic region and addresses a variety is topics related to politics, economics, security and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

In Focus Digest #60 – November 28, 2011

NATO Update
Missile Defence Dilemma
Change Not Guaranteed in Yemeni Transition
Syrian Strategy: Shoot to Kill


In Focus Diguest #59 –  November 4, 2011

NATO Ends Libya Operations
A Deadly Week in Afghanistan
Battle for Bahrain
Ottawa’s Submarine Supposition
Occupy the World?


In Focus Digest #58 – October 21, 2011

Goodbye Gaddafi
NATO Update
Iran’s Alleged Assassination Attempt
Kenyan Intervention in Somalia
The Brussels Ministerial


In Focus Digest #57 – September 23, 2011

NATO Update
Protests in Yemen
Greece’s Economic Woes
Anglo-Russian Relations
Piracy in Somalia
Ukrainian Politics


In Focus Digest #56 – September 9, 2011

NATO Update (New feature every issue!)
Russian Opposition to NATO’s Libya Role
Turkish-Israeli Diplomatic Fallout
Challenges Ahead for Libya


In Focus Digest #55 – August 19, 2011

US Helicopter Downing in Afghanistan
Timoshenko’s Arrest Jeopardizes EU Partnership
Food Security: A Problem We Can Solve

In Focus
Digest #54 – July 29, 2011

NATO – Russia Relations: Stalled in Sochi
The Libyan Challenge to Global Energy Security
South Sudan: Learning to Take Baby Steps
Regional Actors Raise Alarm about Spread of Looted Libyan Weapons
Mumbai Bomb Blasts Threaten to De-Stabilize Regional and International Security

In Focus
Digest #53 – July 14, 2011

The King is Dead: Assassination Rocks Kandahar
US-Taliban Talks Leave Pakistan Tense
Turkish Elections
New BRIC in Town

In Focus
Digest #52 – June 24, 2011

A Hot Summer of Confrontation in the South China Sea
Paving the Way for a New South Sudan
Defence Secretary’s Speech Augurs III for NATO’s Future
Cleaning up the Greek Crisis: A Herculean Task
Revisiting the European Contract – Illegal Immigrants and Boarder Controls

In Focus
Digest #51 – June 9, 2011

Pakistani Reporter Killed Following Controversial Investigation
Ending Canada’s Combat Mission in Afghanistan
NATO and Russia Hold Unprecedented Joint Training Exercise
Arctic Foreign Ministers meet in Greenland

In Focus
Digest #50 – May 25, 2011

NATO Secretary-General Tours US
Easing the Flow of Humanitarian Aid in Libya
(Re)emergence of the Visegrad Group
Mullad Mohammad Omar-Wanted: Alive or Else

In Focus
Digest #49 – May 6, 2011

Reconsidering a Border-free Europe
Pakistan after the Death of Osama bin Laden
Impact of the ‘Arab Spring’ on International Oil Prices
Developments in Turkey-NATO Relations

In Focus
Digest #48 – April 21, 2011

Cote d’Ivoire: The ‘Forgotten Crisis’?
A Holiday in Afghanistan? Bamiyan Province Ponders Tourism
An Update on the Libyan Conflict: More Mommar, More Problems
The NATO-Russia Council meets Berlin

In Focus
Digest #47 – March 31, 2011

Bahrain-NATO Relations in Troubling Times
Resolution 1973, the Role of NATO in Libya
Phase Four of NATO’s ISAF Operation: Transition
NATO’s Secretary General Visits Ukraine

In Focus
Digest #46 – March 18, 2011

Private Security Firms in Afghanistan: Business as Usual?
The Perils of Unemployment and Inflation in Autocracies
Consensus Emerges on No-Fly Zone in Libya

In Focus
Digest #45 – February 28, 2011

Rising World Food Prices a premise for Instability
Political Upheaval and the Future of the Mediterranean Dialogue
Crackdown in Libya: The World’s Response
Istanbul Cooperation Initiative: NATO Seeks New Security Partners in the Broader Middle East

In Focus
Digest #44 – February 14, 2011

The 2011 Munich Security Conference: Promoting Smart Defence
Political Unrest in the Arab World
American and European Economic Woes Continue

In Focus
Digest #43 – January 28, 2011

Bosnia to Assist Danish Colleagues in Helmand
Springing Forward: A New Stage of Engagement in Afghanistan
A Tough Week for Albanians: Political Corruption in the Balkans

In Focus
Digest #42 – January 14, 2011

Tackling Drug Smuggling: NATO-Russia Cooperation
Operation Ocean Shield: The Zeeleeuw Surfaces
Riots in Tunisia Leave Dozens Dead

In Focus
Digest #41 – December 17, 2010

Barack Obama’s Review of the War in Afghanistan: The year that was the challenges yet to come
Haifa Forest Fire Extinguished with Help of NATO Disaster Assistance
Countering Improvised Explosive Devices in Afghanistan: Progress with NATO’s New Response

In Focus
Digest #40 – November 26, 2010

Message from Lisbon Loud and Clear: Russia no threat to NATO
An Alliance for the 21st Century: NATO’s New Strategic Concept
The Age of Cyberwar? Stuxnet Designed to Disable Iranian Enrichment Facilty

In Focus
Digest #39 – November 15, 2010

Iran Agrees to Re-open Negotiations with the West
Canada in Afghanistan: What comes after 2011?

In Focus Digest #38 – October 29, 2010

Turkey’s Dithering Support for NATO Missile Defence Shield
A Sign of the Times: Britain’s Strategic Defence Review in an Era of Financial Austerity
Transition in Afghanistan: A Diplomatic Push

In Focus Newsletter #37 – October 14, 2010

Update on Afghanistan’s Parliamentary Elections
The Bosnian Election: A Storm on the Horizon?
A Diminished Reliance on Nuclear Weapons? NATO’s New Strategic Concept
NATO Commences Operation Dragon Force

In Focus
Digest #36 – September 24, 2010

ISAF Issues New Guidlines for Contractors in Afghanistan
Afghanistan holds Parliamentary Elections Amid Fears of Violence
NATO Members Meet to Discuss Strategy for Combating Maritime Piracy
Prime Minister Harper Returns from Tour of the Canadian Arctic

In Focus
Digest #35 – September 9, 2010

Planned Koran Burning Sparks International Outrage
Taliban Outnumbered around Kandahar City
NATO Headquarters to house Serbian Mission
Afghan President Karzai establishes ‘Peace Council’ wiht Taliban
Czech White Paper Looks towards NATO New Strategic Concept

In Focus
Digest #34 – August 24, 2010

Afghan President Karzai turns to Russia for support
Last US combat brigade leaves Iraq
Closure of private security firms in Afghanistan
Canadians honoured for foiling attack on NATO
Local Afghan protest against NATO raid

In Focus
Digest #33 – July 21, 2010

Afghan Civilian Deaths on the Rise, But Not at the Hands of International Forces
International community gathers in Kabul for one-day conference
Ukraine: Sea Breeze Despite Withdrawal of NATO Ambitions
Poland Stands Firm on Georgian NATO Membership
Latest Attacks in Afghanistan
Pakistan seeks Peaceful Relations with India

In Focus
Digest #32 – July 5, 2010

G8 Leaders Call for a Stable Afghanistan
Setting Pull-Out Dates Encourages Insurgents: Germany’s Defence Minister
U.S. Top Commander Rolls Out of Favour
New Commander Arrives in Kandahar
Acting President in Lead in Poland

In Focus
Digest #31 – June 16, 2010

Violence Breaks Out in Kyrgystan
Iran Struggles over Fourth Round of U.N. Sanctions
Minterals Worth Estimated $1 Trillion Discovered in Afghanistan
Interview with Brigadier-General Jon Vance
Insurgents Attack Girls’ Schools
Afghanistan Top Foreign Policy Issue Says UK’s David Cameron
NATO Convoy Attacked in Pakistan
Canadian Exit from Afghanistan in 2011 Leads to Speculation on Training Role
Canada’s New Role in Afghanistan

In Focus
Digest #30 – June 1, 2010

Commander of Canadian Forces in Afghanistan removed from position
Israel’s Prime Minister cuts visit to Ottawa short after flotilla tragedy
NATO forces calm ethnic unrest following local election in Kosovo
The cost of the Taliban Offensive
Macedonia Courting NATO with Regional Conference

In Focus
Digest #29 – May 21, 2010

Reinforcing the Afghan Army
Will the Polish Plane Crash Tragedy Cause Improved Polish-Russian Relations?
Plane Wreckage Found in Afghanistan

In Focus
Digest # 28 – April 16, 2010

Collateral Damage in Afghanistan: Losing Hearts and Minds
Nuclear Security Tops Global Agenda
Kyrgyzstan Faces New Stumbling Block on the Road to Democracy
Poland Mourns

In Focus
Digest #27 – February 19, 2010
Romania to Host U.S. Missile Defense Interceptors
France-Russia Warship Deal Cause Concern
Operation Moshtarak: A Test for Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan

In Focus
Digest #26 – February 1, 2010

Presidential Election in Ukraine: Victor Yanukovich vs. Yulia Tymoshenko
Talking with the Taliban
Turkey’s Role in Afghanistan

In Focus
Digest #25 – January 15, 2010

Presidential Election in Ukraine
Recent Poll on Afghan Public Opinion: Cautious Optimism
The al-Qaeda Resurgence in Yemen

In Focus
Digest #24 – December 3, 2009

Reflecting on Russia’s Diplomatic Relations with the West
Barack Obama Announces Troop Increases: Who will Join the Surge?
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #23 – October 26, 2009

Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize
Between Pakistan and Afghanistan
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #22 – September 18, 2009

Afghan Election Fallout
NATO Countries Prepare for Afghan Pullout
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #21 – August 18, 2009

One Year Anniversary of the Russia-Georgia War
Lead-up to the Afghan Elections
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #20 – July 23, 2009

Afghan mission proving to be more and more difficult
US-Russia Relations
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #19 – June 22, 2009

New Commander in Afghanistan
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #18 – May 20, 2009

NATO-Russia Relationship
Pakistani Insurgency
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #17 – April 16, 2009

NATO’s 60th Anniversary Summit
Afghanistan’s Shiite Personal Status Law
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #16 – March 16, 2009

Pakistan and Afghanistan
Obama and European Missile Defence
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #15 – February 19, 2009

NATO-Russia Relations
Obama’s Approach to Afghanistan
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #14 – January 14, 2009

Israeli-Gaza Conflict
Russia-Ukraine Gas Dispute
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #13 – November 24, 2008

Anti-Piracy Fight in Somalia
Ukrainian NATO Aspirations
US-Russia Military Talks
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #12 – October 17, 2008

US Weapons Sale to Taiwan
Russia-Venezuela Increased Cooperation
Iraq-Turkey Tensions Rise
Afghanistan: Mission Impossible?
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #11 – July 14, 2008

Negotiations on North Korean Nuclear Program
Russia’s Military and Humanitarian Contributions in Afghanistan
Denmark’s Presence in Afghanistan
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #10 – June 5, 2008

Ban on Cluster Bombs
NATO’s Interests in Turkmenistan
Security Belt Around Afghanistan Proposed
Recommended Reading

In Focus
Digest #9 – May 2, 2008

Canada lifts restrictions on arms sales to 11 countries
Russia closes down plutonium producing reactor
Pakistan Tests Nuclear-Capable Missile
Bahrain and NATO sign security accord
China’s military build-up
Turkey in talks for missile defense system
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #8 – April 11, 2008

Middle East Peace Process
Update on Russia
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey launch strategic railway
Young Atlanticist Summit
Recommended Reading

In Focus
Digest #7 – February 25, 2008

Kosovo Declares Independence
New Treaty To Ban Weapons in Space
South Korea Urges North to Disclose All Nuke Programs
Recommended Reading

In Focus
Digest #6 – January 28, 2008

Most Important Events in 2007
Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan
Proliferation News: Iran, Egypt, Turkey
Presidential Elections in Serbia
Recommended Readings

In Focus
Digest #5 – November 19, 2007

Middle East Peace Process
Update on Russia
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey launch strategic railway

In Focus
Digest #3 – October 8, 2007

NATO exercises in Croatia
NATO must secure southern Afghanistan
European Nations to Share Arms Testing Facilities
France considers rejoining NATO’s military command
Kosovo Update
North Korea Nuclear Talks
Canadian observers mission in Ukraine
Article: Afghanistan: Six Years of War

In Focus
Digest #2 – September 25, 2007

Update on Afghanistan
NATO-Russia Relations
U.S., Russia and Missile Defense
Tougher Sanctions on Iran

In Focus
Digest #1 – August 1, 2007

Georgia-NATO Radar Integration: Georgian Military Budget Build-Up
Turkey has Elected a New President
General Ray Henault Selected for Canadian Vimy Award
3rd Anniversary of the Beslan Tragedy
New Target on Global Terrorists
Halifax-based Ship set for Mideast Deployment
Canada at the APEC Summit, Sydney, Ausralia
Canada Hosts NATO Conference


  • NATO Association of Canada

    The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) strives to educate and engage Canadians about NATO and its goals of peace, prosperity and security. The NAOC ensures Canada has an informed citizenry able to participate in discussions about its role on the world stage.

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