Claire Wählen

Claire Wählen is the program director for NATO’s 70th anniversary celebrations in Canada through the NATO Association of Canada, as well as a junior research fellow. She holds a Bachelor in Journalism (Honours) with a double honour in Political Science from the University of King’s College and Dalhousie University respectively. She has previously worked with as a parliamentary reporter, focused on national and digital security policy, and has also written about Canada’s policies on torture, surveillance, refugee security, and cyber defence. She intends to apply to do her master’s degree in international relations in the winter, and is interested in exploring the future of global governance through international organizations.

You can contact Claire directly via Twitter at @Claire_Wahlen.


  • NATO Association of Canada

    The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) strives to educate and engage Canadians about NATO and its goals of peace, prosperity and security. The NAOC ensures Canada has an informed citizenry able to participate in discussions about its role on the world stage.

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