Society, Culture, and Security

The Real Housewives of ISIS: An Actual Online Threat

On January 3 2016, Revolting, a BBC 2 sketch-comedy show, released an online skit called, “The Real Housewives of ISIS.”   The skit introduces four wives of ISIS fighters, fulfilling their duty as “average” housewives. One scene shows two women awkwardly wearing the same suicide vest. Another depicts a woman chained to her oven, excited Read More…

Africa Asia-Pacific Canada Defense Eastern Europe and Russia Health Human Rights Islamic State Latin America North Korea Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Refugee Rights Security Society The Middle East and North Africa Uncategorized Victoria Heath Women Women in Security

“Little Ladies Shouldn’t Play With Swords”

Victoria looks at the reality in the fantasy world of Game of Thrones. Women in both the show and reality, are often used as pawns in war and conflict.