Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Nabil Bhatia

The Other Extremism: Far-Right Movements and Vigilantism in Canada

The recent tragedy in Quebec highlighted the severity of the threat posed by far-right movements and vigilantism in Canada. Nabil Bhatia analyzes the magnitude and organizational structure of far-right extremist groups in Canada, and suggests necessary steps that the Canadian government should take.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Nabil Bhatia

From Calgary to the Caliphate: Exploring the Unlikely Hotbed for ISIS Recruitment

With many of Canada’s foreign fighters emerging from Calgary, it must be explored how a cosmopolitan city has now become a ‘hotbed’ for ISIS recruitment. Nabil Bhatia attempts to answer this question by investigating cases of radicalization in the Canadian city.

Marietta Armanyous Society, Culture, and Security

Part II: America’s War on (Imported Prescription) Drugs

$6,214 for one cancer treatment prescription? In Part II of this two-part series, Marietta Armanyous compares Canadian and American prescription drug prices, exploring why U.S. pharmaceuticals are so much more expensive than those of any other developed nation.

Marietta Armanyous Society, Culture, and Security

Part I: America’s War on (Imported Prescription) Drugs

America is cracking down on drug deals… even the good kind! In Part I of this two-part series, Marietta Armanyous looks at why the U.S. Senate voted against Bernie Sanders’ Drug Pricing Amendment, which would have allowed less expensive pharmaceuticals to be imported from Canada.